Well, this little DC03 is still about. I've never been impressed with the performance with it, although it did work. The lack lusture performance was confirmed with the now-Mvacs DC03 Clear, which worked MUCH better
Even with the top chassis blockage cover fitted properly, it was still bad. I used it upstairs for a bit, then tore it down the other night to see if I could work out the issue
It's switch cover was pinched for the 03 Clear
Tools off
The Upholstry tool annoyed me
The hose was broken too, the clip to hold it onto the wand doesnt work
The wand cap spring is bent too as the cap flops around
Wand release button off
Top cord hook off
Hose released from the bottom
Hose removed from the changeover casette
I split the hose end
and noted that there were no little tiny springs present to enable the wand clip to work (it's never worked, I've never stripped the hose out before). The hose and filter (the filter was a silly idea as per my other thread) went into the washing machine
Hose seals out
Switch housing out
Top blockage cover removed
Seal out
The spinal cord can come out
Cyclone-Chassis seal off
The little passthrough seal is different on this one than the DC03 Clear, but peels off nicely
Pre motor filter holder comes out now
Filter top/tool holder assembly unscrewed
Little seal removed
Purple base removed, which revealed that the white inner was not positioned correctly
Filter holder seal removed
It looks like there is a seal missing from here too
Filter housing - chassis seal removed
Moving down now, the little clear window is removed from the cleaner head
The base plate comes off now. This doesn't seem to sit correctly at the front though, and I can't work out why that is
Wheels removed
Brushroll out
and split
Wheels off now
The broken clutch cover can be unscrewed now
and removed, along with the soleplate seals
Clutch and bumper removed
The brushroll housing can be removed from the chassis now, and it seems one side of it is broken
The removeable soleplate clip unscrews
I think this is part of the changeover valve, either way it unclips from the back of the cleanerhead
and the changeover valve seal pulls off
Looking barer now
Motor housing off
motor housing side seal lifts off
The tiny motor can be seen now
Motor is spotless
armature not too bad
motor seals and retaining bracket off
The motor suction channel is held in with 2 screws
This releases the post motor filter housing, which just needs a clip squeezing to be removed from the machine
The spinal cable and remains of the sealing grommit can be removed from the chassis now
The changeover valve seal from the valve to hose is removed from the chassis
The pivot plate for the side of the brushroll housing pulls out of the chassis
I went to remove the cup that the cyclone sits in, and it crumbled away in my hands. It had faded much more than the rest of the machine though, which weakened it muchly
The chassis is empty now!
Cyclone now
Bin and lower cone all stripped
top seal removed
Release clip removed
Cyclone screw removed
and cyclone bits withdrawn
Cone and Shroud split
Bin seal removed
Release valve cover falls out
release valve assembly unscrewed
seal out
Release valve split
all ready for washing
All was washed up, then the washing machine finished, and I learnt why DC03 Pre motor filters are not washable...
bit melted
bit broken
bit messy
Was like an explosion in a cotton wool factory, took fecking ages to vacuum up, and I had to clean the power head out on the Miele afterwards