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Author Topic: DC18 Handle stuck help!  (Read 3419 times)

Offline vincew

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DC18 Handle stuck help!
« on: April 18, 2014, 03:15:01 pm »
I have lifted the metal extension on the handle and instead of this lifting the handle and flexi hose away from the machine, it has come completely out! - so at present I have the metal rod seperate and the flexi hose still intact on the hoover. There appears to be a small black section inside the flexi hose which appears should be there to stop this happening.

So basically I need to reattach this black section to the metal rod inside the hose. I can detach the hose at the bottom with the clip although cannot get the black section out as that is at right angle - I cannot see how to detach the flexi hose at the top from the handle

 - hope this makes sense and if so anyone any idea?

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