So I got the DC17 Asthma and Allergy today.
Sadly not as clean or as complete as I'd hoped.
The Soleplate, Brushroll and Bumper are missing I knew the cable was cut already so dont know if it works.
I love the blue they used and was intrigued by the 'Level 3 Root Cyclone'.
One day it maybe made complete and running like it once was, but for now I will clean and polish anyway on its way to restoration.
In other news the seller also gave me (FREE) 4 boxes. A really nice genuine guy who let me rummage in all the rooms. Everything from sebo, miele, dyson, numatic and more probably 400 or 500 hundred machines in the warehouse!!. I already had a car full but really could have filled it to the ROOF!! Sadly he didnt have a red DC04 soleplate for my De Stijl but one may turn up.
His personal collection is Hoovers, particularly the Junior, Senior and Constelation models.