Other Vacuum Cleaners & Site Suggestions > Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Hoover Sensotronic power brush


In Europe the Hoover Electronic 1000 or Sensotronic series canisters had some pretty interesting power brushes. I have seen images of different power brushes with names like Hoover Electro Kinetic and Hoover Turbo 300.    A very small number of Electronic 1000s made their way to the US and I am fortunate to have a super clean example.  Mine would be the equivalent of the Sensotronic System 50.  It did not come with a power nozzle but is compatible with the Hoover Quadraflex power nozzle sold with other US model Hoover canisters, albeit one needed a short adapter cable since the Electronic 1000 had a unique to it power connection on its wonderfully ergonomic hose handle.  In the fullness of time a goal is to bring one of those Electro Kinetic or Turbo 300 (or maybe Turbo 500?  Getting old ) power brushes to the US and find a way to put a 120 volt motor in it so I can use it with my Electronic 1000.


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