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Dyson DC14, DC17, DC27, DC28 and DC33 / Insights on Dyson Brush Bars
« Last post by FDMaguire on September 06, 2024, 09:44:02 pm »

Hoping for a bit of an education on the brush bars for our Dyson vacuums.  I own a DC-14 Animal.

I have been going through my learning curve in doing upgrades to this Dyson.  About a year and a half ago, we replaced the filter before the motor, replaced that lid cover on that filter since some plastic pieces had broken on it, and updated the handle given a piece had broken on it.  I also got new versions of the HEPA fitler.  The Dyson felt in many ways like it was brand new again in terms of suction performance.

I just replaced the clutch given it had gone out.  In doing this, I learned that likely the clutch went out or was greatly encouraged that direction because the bearing on the brush bar was ceased up.  It was my first time taking the brush bar apart where I pulled out the spindle, removed hair tangled up in there, and figured out that the bearing was not spinning at all.  Frankly, I did not even know that piece could come apart.  Cleaning everything up and using just a tiny amount of high end lubricant I have from another hat in my life, I got the bearning spinning again and things loosened up.

I am still going to replace the brush bar with one of a couple of different options I found on Amazon.  One is OEM and the other is aftermarket.

My suspicion is my lack of awareness meant that this brush bar should have been replaced long ago and likely semi-regularly checked up on/cleaned/oiled before this.  No doubt I did my clutch zero favors here as well as negatively impacting overall performance of the vacuum. 

My wife was thrilled with the increased performance of the vacuum now that the brush bar was spinning fully again.  I will note that, for the first few times, I had to get it a little tap with my finger and the brush bar would then take off spinning with a good bit of vigor which is why I am going to replace it anyway.  Now, that might be because of the older brush bar or it could be a fact that the new clutch has belts way tighter than what I took off.  I do not have enough experience to know the answer there.

The question I have to those more knowledgable is how often should you do maintenance on these brush bars (take out, remove spindle, clean, oil, etc) and roughly how many years should go before just replacing the brush bar with a new one.  Frankly, it is relatively pretty easy to do so adding it to a maintenance task item to do is not concerning.  I just do not have any sense of frequency here that should matter.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Cylinder & Canister Dysons / Re: DC39 Tripping the Electricity
« Last post by jlmacd on September 05, 2024, 10:51:44 am »
Thank you for reply and for the advice. I went ahead and tested the motor, as suggested. I made up a lead to go straight onto the motor terminals, thereby eliminating everything coming before it. With motor held firmly in a vise, I powered it up and, lo, it ran fine! I did the same with new replacement and, same thing, no issue.
I decided I would then work back, connecting each stage one by one, until arriving hopefully at the plugtop.
After reseating the motor back into its bucket, I clamped this to the workbench to stop it from taking off. Applied power the connected wires that go through the bucket to the motor and - instantly tripped. Big disappointment.
I cant figure out why this would have happened when it was fine out of the motor bucket. Could be the angle it was sitting at when clamped maybe? Because of the shape of the bottom of the motor bucket, when I applied the clamp to hold it in place is was sitting off the vertical. Or maybe I clamped it too tightly?

Gave up at this point for the day - will return to it soon. Still a mystery to me.

Thinking my old Henry or George may be getting recommissioned in its stead ....
Miele Vacuum Cleaners / Re: Miele Upright S7000 Hose
« Last post by alpesh26 on September 04, 2024, 12:56:20 pm »
Never mind  :)) Drop me a message if you get another one in that you're breaking
Miele Vacuum Cleaners / Re: Miele Upright S7000 Hose
« Last post by matrixresonator on September 04, 2024, 12:46:44 pm »
Apologies, my scrap man has already taken it!
Thanks for the Everett Vacuum as well.  I will be down to the Washington DC area more and more so that might be the perfect match.
Miele Vacuum Cleaners / Re: Miele Upright S7000 Hose
« Last post by alpesh26 on September 03, 2024, 02:16:32 pm »
Cheers, please could you check how worn the brush roll is on your scrapper too? Maybe measure the length of the bristles? I'm unsure if mine is worn but if yours is good might be worth having a spare as I can't seem to find one online.
The only one I recall in WA is Everett Vacuum. I know they are well regarded. Worth a phone call.
By the way, I am not in New York city.  I might need to see what ended up in my profile settings.

I am on the west side of the state of New York just a bit south of Buffalo.  I am actually far closer to entering Pennsylvania and Ohio by a large amount than all the drive time to cross the entire state to get to New York city.

Additionally, I am down to the Washington DC area a fair amount of time.  So, if you happen to have any additional recommendations for Pennsyvlania, Ohio, or the Washington DC area, those would be greatly appreciated as well.

Regardless, I will reach out to the recommendations you have already made.

Thanks for giving me the time and some directions to go.  I will pull those threads you have recommended and see what I can find out.  And, as asked, I will update back here.
Cylinder & Canister Dysons / Re: DC39 Tripping the Electricity
« Last post by MVacs on September 03, 2024, 12:34:00 pm »
The first thing to do would be to bench-test the motor. I agree a new one is unlikely to have the same issue, but its good practice.

Assuming that is OK, the fault is likely to lie within the cable rewind itself. 
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