I’ve noticed a problem on some clutches that were made in recent years, not all of them but 2 out of 3 new clutches I’ve had recently had an issue.
Basically get a brand new clutch, and it will work great for the first 5-10 mins. After that, once the clutch is properly warmed up, the torque of the brushbar drops dramatically. Normally you can jam the brushbar and it grinds the gears in the clutch (which is what it’s supposed to do), but the brush just stops dead with less torque.
And I noticed when vacuuming the brushbar really slows down when you vacuum slowly as well. I don’t know if the quality of the clutches friction plates have gone down, or what. I have never had this issue with a DC04/07/14 clutch.
PS I have tried taking apart the clutch and actually stretching out the big spring inside the clutch it self, but no improvement.